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Cockroaches are ancient insects that have been around for millions of years. They are known for their ability to survive in harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures, lack of food, and exposure to radiation. Cockroaches are resilient insects.

What Problems Can Cockroaches Cause?

1. Disease Transmission:

Cockroaches can carry various bacteria and viruses on their bodies, including Salmonella, E. coli, and other harmful pathogens. They can contaminate food and surfaces, leading to foodborne illnesses.   


2. Allergic Reactions:

Cockroach droppings and body parts can trigger allergic reactions in some people, such as asthma attacks and skin allergies.   

3. Property Damage:

Cockroaches can damage books, paper products, and other materials in homes and businesses.   

4. Nuisance:

Cockroaches are simply unpleasant to have around, and their presence can make a home feel dirty and unsanitary.​


Before an infestation occurs, it's best to contact us so we can quickly get it under control

Contact Us

Need help with a cockroach problem?

Send us a message!

It's very important to contact us to help prevent health risks, damage to food, or building structures

Types of Cockroaches We Service:

Red Runners/Turkestan Cockroach

​A "red runner" is a common name for the Turkestan cockroach and are considered a pest due to their rapid breeding rate, ability to easily infest homes, and potential to cause health concerns through their presence and droppings. They are difficult to control once established in a building and can trigger allergic reactions in some people.


German Cockroach

​German cockroaches are not only pests but they are also linked to disease transmission by picking up germs on the spines of their legs as they crawl through decaying matter. These germs are then transferred to food and other common surfaces that humans frequently touch.

German Cockroach

Three-Lined Cockroaches

Three-lined cockroaches are small and have three distinctive dark lines running down their backs.


While they are not as commonly found indoors as other cockroach species, they can still be a nuisance. They can invade homes, especially in late summer and early fall, and they appear in large numbers.


Like other cockroaches, they can carry bacteria and other pathogens, potentially contaminating food and surfaces. Their droppings and shed skin can also trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Three-lined Cockroach
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